Wednesday, November 12, 2008

True Colors of the Rainbow

I saw a video clip of a rally protesting California's Proposition 8, the constitutional amendment that established marriage as between one man and one woman in California. In the video clip there were people waving rainbow flags as a symbol of their protest.

I remember in a eighth grade science class an acronym for the colors of the rainbow. Roy G. Biv - standing for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. In honor of my science teacher, Mr. Hauser, I've decided to take the acronym and provide my own words to describe the 'rainbow' as it relates to these rallies in opposition to Proposition 8. Perhaps, this better describes their true colors.

Rage - those opposed to Prop 8 have sunk to unthinkable lows in their exhibition of anger.
Ostracism - a well defined coaltion worked to pass Prop 8. Oppenents are simply attempting to break up that coalition by singling out individuals or groups in attempts to have them ostracized by the rest of the coalition.
Yell - If your argument isn't convincing, simply yell louder. Adopt the mantra of teenage rock bands - If your music stinks, just turn up the volume and maybe someone will notice you.
Government by the people - what they don't believe in. They want government to just grant unwarranted special treatment to groups that really have no legal standing for such treatment.
Bigotry - No other way to describe the hatred and venom spit at people who's religious beliefs led them to vote for Prop 8.
Intolerance & intimidation - They speak of tolerance, but redefine it to mean 'if you don't agree with me you are intolerant, but if I spit, scream and curse at you, that is within the bounds of tolerance.'
Violence - If all else fails, vanadalize property, deface churches or threaten women and children.

People have the right to peaceful assembly and protest. Those protesting the passage of Prop 8 have gone well oustide the lines of decency in this case. Opponents to Prop 8 speak of hate, but the only hatred in this campaign has been exhibited by them.


Marcia said...

Well-said, Curtis. Wow, how were you lucky enough to get Mr. Hauser instead of Dr. Price???!!!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Beautifully put. Marcia is my son's piano teacher. . .she's great, I might add! Thank you for your work on Prop 8, when our temple was paintballed last weekend, I looked more into this whole thing and I've been appalled at what is going on. I think I may have to pirate your acronym for my blog, it really sums everything up so nicely!